Join The "Oh Rosie!" Family

Inspired by Rosie Perez’s iconic choreography from her time on Soul Train, this dance short film is a visual shout, showing how a woman must tap into different parts of her own psyche to get through her day.


You are an arts enthusiast. Music isn't just background noise to you, and art is more than just wall decoration. You listen, appreciate, collect, and engage with intention and discernment. You're the kind of audience member that artists dream of - attuned and ready to rock and roll.

You believe in economic justice. Womxn in Hollywood, both in front of and behind the camera, are consistently underpaid, overworked, and disrespected. And on top of that, because of the strikes (which are justified; in this house we celebrate unions), work is hard to come by. This is a womxn-led production with racial and economic justice embedded into the entire process. Your support more than helps us keep roofs over our heads and food in our bellies; it's an investment in a just and free reality that we all deserve to live in.

You believe in radical joy. Womxn of all genders deserve to honor and celebrate their true selves. There are some truly evil forces at work right now, working day and night to roll back the clock on our basic rights and freedoms. F**k those pieces of s**t. In the face of rejection and oppression, when the powers-that-be seek to make us feel ashamed about how we show up in this world, joy and free expression is a radical act.


We’re raising $5,000 by January 31st and another $5000 by February 29th. This $10k total will allow us to cover equipment rentals and pay each and every collaborator and crew member an honorarium-level rate that, at the very minimum, shows our gratefulness for their contributions. 

If we hit our actual combined goal of $12,800 though, we can pay each collaborator a rate that is much more respectful of their time and expertise.

Our ideal goal total, the one we really want to reach, is $15,000 total by June 20th. With this, we can pay each collaborator their full professional rate, undiscounted, that respects their contributions to this project. We can bring out Liz and Emily - our featured collaborators - to LA and house them during their stay so that they can consult on set. And we can speed up the post-production process, making it so that we can all celebrate with a screening party this summer!. All so that we can serve you the finest and highest version of this project that you deserve.


If you've read all the way to the end of this page, YOU ARE THE REAL MVP and you are appreciated! Take the extra step of joining our family:

  1. make a one-time or recurring donation...
  2. then share this crowdfund link with five of your friends

Our house is your house - open the door and step in!

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